About Belvelly Port Facility
The former Irish Fertiliser Industries (IFI) site at Marino Point was acquired by Belvelly Marino Development Co. DAC (BMDC) in 2017.
BMDC is a Public Private Partnership between Lanber Holdings and the Port of Cork Company (POCC). BMDC acquired the land with a view to redeveloping the site in line with the existing port-related industrial zoning objective for Marino Point.
Since 2017, BMDC has developed an overall master plan for the site, referred to as the Belvelly Port Facility.
Planning permission was granted (subject to conditions) in 2021 for the Demolition, Site Infrastructure Improvements and Utility Upgrade Works at Belvelly Port Facility.
In 2021 BMDC appointed a consultant engineer to develop the project and it is currently at the detailed design stage with works expected to commence in 2023.
Goulding Chemicals Ltd. wish to relocate their operations, currently located at Cork Docklands, to the Belvelly Port Facility. In parallel with the relocation of Goulding’s operations, BMDC are proposing additional use of the existing jetty at the Belvelly Port Facility for general dry cargo vessels.
As Goulding’s relocation and BMDC additional use of the jetty are to happen within the same timeline, a joint planning application, EIAR and NIS was submitted in December 2020. (Planning Ref. No. 20/06955 ) This planning application is currently being reviewed by An Bord Pleanála.