Port of Cork Masterplan 2050

The Port of Cork Company (PoCC) is embarking on a historical change.
The Port of Cork Masterplan 2050 is a vision of how we can adapt and grow to 2050.
We are on a ‘River to Sea Port’ journey, moving our port operations downstream and consolidating all activities in the lower harbour by 2050.
This once-in-a-generation move is essential for us to facilitate increasing global vessel sizes, provide consolidated, efficient and sustainable operations for our customers, and ensure the global connectivity of the southern region.
The Port of Cork will also play a key role in facilitating Ireland’s future energy needs, as the country and the world look towards green energy options. We are currently the only port in Ireland with planning permission in place to help facilitate the development of the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) sector.
To find out more details, please review the ‘Port of Cork Masterplan 2050’ Executive Summary below.
Click here to view our Masterplan Executive Summary
Click here to read the full ‘Port of Cork Masterplan 2050’ document.